Mind control

Hello and may peace be upon you!

Its a saturday, and its starting to rain. Where's the best place to be now?

One's own personal bed!
I am so digging for that now, but I told myself, naaahh I should be up doing other beneficial things.

I can't wait for my husband to arrive on monday morning at 730 am insyaAllah. Owh I've been having the visual pictures of me fetching him on and on ever since he left on the 14th last week. I told my parents just now, it feels so long and I feel like its a really really long wait and its like moving somewhere but not reaching there just yet. I must say, this 11 days husbandless experience is pretty new to me and it takes quite a while to adapt to, but yeah I've been great and we've been skyping a lot alhamdulillah.

So lets start with how I began my day today, I woke up at 6am for Fajr prayer and slept back coz I was so drowsy and my head was aching. :( At around 950am mumsie called me, and she told me to start doing this NLP program which she'll purchase online for me. So I got up, showered and went straight to her room. Bought the online tutorials and I'm good to start.

I feel so enthusiastic to start this program and I can't wait to learn it and see the end result :) typical!!! You see the gold first then you start thinking of how do I get the gold anyways. So far its been good, the teacher speaks really well and I can understand it quite well.

Its really important as to how one controls one mind and thoughts, as most of us know the mind consists of two parts which are the conscious and subconscious mind. When we talk, and walk and eat and bla bla we are using our conscious mind but the way we do it and how we do it is actually controlled by our subconscious mind. See how one person goes for an interview and gets the job while the other person who is equally good didn't manage to get it, well lets not just talk about luck but it really falls on to how the person talks, presents himself and so on. If you condition your subconscious mind to think positively about yourself and act as if you are that person you dream to be, trust me it actually works and insyaALlah voila! You'll see the result. We somehow are conditioned naturally and also by how we have been affected by our environment.

I learnt that we can trick our mind into thinking that we have already achieve our goals just by saying it in the present tense. For example I am happy and grateful that I now have RM 500000 in my account. That's just a mere example :) this is because the subconscious mind can't distinguish between the truth and a lie! hahaha so if we keep on telling ourself this, emotionalize it and later our body will act towards it and you'll finally achieve it! Don't ask the how just be in the state of knowing that it will come true insyaALlah. (Of course all happens in the will of Allah!) Your mind is so powerful that it can control you and make you move towards your goal. If you happen to hear or do some research on how the big powers of the world act to control the population is actually by mind control. See it for yourself, the advertisements, the TV we watch, the posters we see, the things we listen to and the list goes on. We can control our mind by being independent of all this by learning how to control it.

With constant prostration to Allah and always seeking for His guidance and blessing, and a good enough knowledge about learning how to control our minds. InsyaAllah we will be able to achieve what we want and as a Muslim, we have to believe in Qadha' & Qadar and accept whatever happens. So in case something we don't like happens to us, put on a different pair of spectacles and start seeing things in a positive manner. Maybe its happening to give something better for us, or always know that everything that happens has a 'Hikmah' behind it. So wouldn't you agree that a soul can be so peaceful this way insyaAllah. The universe is too big and Allah is the Most Merciful! He loves His servants so be confident in Him and do something for yourself in order for us to serve the ummah and also to ultimately attain Jannah insyaALlah.

You will never get lost if you choose the road of truth. Ameen.

P/s: I'll be 25 on the 25th this monday insyaALlah! That's a quarter of a century. Wonder how many decades will I be able to breathe in and be of benefit to others.... :)

Lotsa love
Me :)


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